Web Hosting Statistics is like warriors, Because If it’s not available then you can’t able to do blogging, That’s why I decided to compile a list of 103+ eye-catching web hosting statistics that you should know If you are a blogger or a webmaster. Let’s get started The websites are usually stored inside special computers which are also known as servers, and they are hosted in hosting. When people using the Internet want to view your site, They have to type the address of the site or the domain of the site on their browser. The computer then connects to the server and the webpages will get in delivered to them via a browser.   There are many hosting companies, or most of them will need you to have your domain for hosting them.  If you are devoid of any domains, the web hosting companies will help you in getting one.

Web Hosting Statistics That You Should Know

Here are some of the essential hosting statistics of the whole content which will help you in learning a few things about web hosting in detail.

  1. Although the most significant number of hosting providers is from North America, usually the highest numbers of Internet users are from Asia (Source: HostingTribunal)
  2. Most website is built on WordPress, and it is one of the go-to choices for most users. (Source: Website Builder Expert)
  3. There are over 330,000 providers of Web Hosting Statistics (Source: HostingTribunal)
  4. Mobile users will generate nearly sixty percent of all online traffic. (Source: HostingTribunal)
  5. In the world, there are more than 4.4 billion Internet users. This data is approximate, and the number is ever-growing. (Source: Internet World Stats)
  6. most users are in Asia where the region accounts for almost a total of 50% of the Internet users. next in line in Europe with around 20 % (Source: HostingFacts)
  7. The most number of Internet users goes the country of China. There are more than a billion Internet users in China currently accounting for almost 20% of Internet voters, followed by India. (Source: Statista)
  8. The number of people in China who uses the Internet is double the population of the U.S. and also more than the combination of the population of the total of U.S., Russia, Japan, and Mexico. (Source: TechCrunch)
  9. The percentage of Chinese mobile internet users is 98% (Source: Statista)
  10. Iceland is a nation with the most notable Internet entry on our planet — with an astounding 100 percent of its residents utilizing the Internet. (Source: HostingFacts)
  11. The Internet forced retail deals as much as $2.84 trillion in 2018 and is relied upon to affect retail deals as much as $3.45 trillion in 2019. (Source: Emarketer)
  12. Web advertisements burn through $205 billion contrasted with T.V. promotion’s $192 billion – which means worldwide publicizing surpassed T.V. publicizing for the absolute first time in 2017 (Source: VOX)
  13. The expected 1.92 billion persons relied upon to buy anything on the Web in 2019. (Source: BuildThis)
  14. In the U.S 80 percent of the Internet, clients are relied upon buying online. (Source: HostingFacts)
  15. More than 4.4 million new blogs starting on a daily basis. (Source: TechJury)
  16. More than 500 million tweets are posted each day. (Source: HostingFacts)
  17. More than 5.6 billion Google looks are made every day. (Source: SERPWatch)
  18. There are 342 million enlisted names of the domain as of the second the last sector of 2018. (Source: VeriSign)
  19. Names of domain enlistments have urbanized by 3.5 percent year and year. (Source: VeriSign)
  20. About 43.59 percent of all names of domains utilize as a .com area named extension .top TLDs dispersion. (Source: HostingFacts)
  21. There are some 1,508 area name expansions (TLDs) as of December 2018. (Source: HostingFacts)
  22. Having enrolled 49.98 percent of all space names, Godaddy is the most significant domain name enlistment center as of December 2018. (Source: HostingFacts)
  23. The world’s 1 website was dispersed on 1991 August 6, by a physicist from England, Tim Berners-Lee. (Source: BusinessInsider)
  24. Now, 51.8 percent of the entire Internet traffic originates from bots, while 48.2 percent of web traffic originates from people. (Source: TechSeen)
  25. Google is the world’s top visited site, Which is trailed by Facebook and YouTube. Chinese internet hunt Baidu is the top 4 visited site in the World. (Source: forum)
  26. With 59.7 percent piece of the overall industry with 22.6 million dynamic destinations, WordPress is the main CMS in the World. It has some destinations like New York Times, Forbes, and the Facebook Blog too. (Source: HostingFacts)
  27. More than 30,000 websites are hacked every day. (Source: WebARX) 29.WordPress is the topmost hacked CMS — by a percentage of 83 of the hacked websites which are utilizing the WordPress stage. (Source: Info Security Magzine)
  28. By the end of January 2017, the number of websites was almost 1,805,260,010 increase from that 906,616,188, which was in 2016 January. (Source: Web Hosting Rating)
  29. The most famous content management systems, which are also known as the CMS include Drupal, Joomla, and even WordPress, which dominate having a 60% market share. (Source: Kinsta)
  30. many websites don’t use any content management systems which counts up to about 51.3% (Source: Web Hosting Rating)
  31. Few of the most prominent WordPress-using sites are Forbes, The New York Times, and also the Facebook Blog. (Source: Forb​es)
  32. Websites have only 3 seconds to engage the reader. Almost about 40% of consumers leave the page when a website loads slowly. (Source: HOBO) 35.WordPress powers more than 32% of the websites present on the Internet. (Source: Web Hosting Rating)
  33. About half or 50% of sites that are hosted today are on Apache or Nginx which are free or open-source servers. (Source: Web Hosting Rating) Web hosting Canada
  34. More than half-billion dollars get lost every year due to slow websites along with conversion rates which can drop to around 7% as per result. (Source: Web Hosting Rating)
  35. A 1-second deferral in page reaction causes a 7% decrease in Web-based business transformations. (Source: Web Hosting Rating) 39.38% of U.K. online customers will decide on a Web-based business site or application on the off chance that it takes more than 10 seconds to stack. (Source: NA)
  36. Transformation rate increments by 74%. (Source: NA)
  37. The 4-second deferral in the page load brings about the loss (11.02%) of online visits. (Source: Optimizely)
  38. A 20-second postponement in page load brings about the loss of 44.19% of online visits. (Source: Optimizely)
  39. Locales on the principal page of the Google query items have a standard page load with a speed of fewer than 2000 milliseconds. Locales on the 10th page of the Google list items have a normal page load of 2300 milliseconds speed. (Source: Web Hosting Rating)
  40. The world’s leading 50 internet business sites have a normal page load of 2.51 seconds speed. The quickest of those heaps is within 0.457 seconds. (Source: NA)
  41. Pages must fill inside 1000 milliseconds to keep up a client’s consideration. (Source: Kinsta)
  42. For each 1 second of progress in its site page load speed and Walmart.com was experienced capable of a 2% expansion in changes. (Source: WPOStats) 47.30,000 locales are hacked each day. (Source: WebARX) 48.86% of sites have at any rate one genuine security powerlessness. (Source: NA) 49.56% of the hacked WordPress locales, 84% of the hacked sites of Joomla, 96% of the hacked Magento destinations, and 81% of the hacked sites of Drupal are utilizing obsolete CMS applications. (Source: NA) 50.84% of online customers would forsake a buy if the information was sent more than an unreliable association. (Source: Web Hosting Rating) 51.28.9% of online customers search for green comprehensive Validation Certificate pointers in the location bar before purchasing. (Source: NA) 52.90% of enormous associations have endured a digital security rupture. (Source: CSM)
  43. Security ruptures cost vast associations (over 500 representatives) somewhere in the range of £1.46m to £3.14m. The normal expense to independent ventures is £75,000 and £311,000. (Source: NA) 54.71% of ISO 27001 is accepting ordinary or infrequent solicitations from their production network to give proof of ISO 27001 confirmation. (Source: NA) 55.8% of SMEs and 24% of enormous undertakings are presently utilizing a private cloud framework. (Source: ​Europa) 56.46% of massive undertakings previously used as far as possible their utilization of cloud administrations since they are uncertain of the area of their information. 46% likewise have worries about issues of lawful purview in case of a question. (Source: Europa)
  44. Server vacation costs $7,908 every moment all things considered. (Source: NA)

Web Hosting Industry Statistics

Here are some interesting facts about the web hosting industry that you should know:

How many Web hosting companies are there?

All over the world, there are 330,000 web hosting providers/companies available.

How many active websites are there in 2022?

As per the report, there is over 1.74 billion blog/website there in 2022. 

There are so many hosting trends available in 2022, You can read this blog post which helps you to understand hosting trends.

Which hosting is best, If you want to suggest?

There are so many hosting available in the market but If you are a beginner then I recommend you to try Rocket.net because it’s very amazing hosting and even WordPress recommends this hosting too.

Wrapping Up For Web Hosting Statistics

As I said hosting is like a warrior which can break or make your blog, I hope you got some amazing facts about Web Hosting Statistics which almost no one knows, If you find this article helpful, Let me know in the comment section, and also If you have more amazing facts related to Web Hosting, So you can comment on that and I’ll try to add that interesting fact soon. Thank You!

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