Fix Instagram Story Views Not Showing 2023
This article discusses all the troubleshooting steps to fix Instagram Story not showing.
1 Fix Instagram Story Views Not Showing 20231.1 Relaunch Instagram App1.2 Restart Your Phone1.3 Re-Login To Instagram1.4 Clear Cache Of Instagram App1.5 Reinstall Instagram App1.6 Use Instagram Web1.7 Contact Instagram Support1.8 Final Words
Relaunch Instagram App
If you have been facing this issue, you should try relaunching the app. You may be unable to see the Instagram Story views due to random bugs. You can try closing the app from the recent apps section. After closing the app, relaunch it again and then see if you still face the issue or not. If you still encounter the same issue, you should move to the next troubleshooting step in this article.
Restart Your Phone
Restarting the phone may also help fix the issue you have been facing. If you cannot see the Instagram story views, it may be because of some technical glitch. This can easily be fixed by restarting your phone. Restart your phone and then check if you can see the Instagram story views or not.
Re-Login To Instagram
Another troubleshooting step to follow is re-logging to the Instagram app. To do so, follow the steps given below-
Open the Instagram app on your mobile and tap the Profile icon at the bottom right corner. Tap on the Menu Icon (Hamburger icon) at the top right corner and tap on Settings. Next, tap on Log out and confirm logging out of your account. After doing so, re-login to your account, and then you can see the story views.
Clear Cache Of Instagram App
You can try clearing the Instagram cache if you still face the issue. You can do so by following the steps given below-
Tap and hold the Instagram app on the app drawer and tap on App info. In the App Info screen, tap on Storage. Next, tap on Clear Cache to clear the cache of the Instagram app. Once done, relaunch the Instagram app and see if you still face the issue or not.
Reinstall Instagram App
If you still face the issue, try reinstalling the Instagram app. Given below are the steps to reinstall the Instagram app-
Tap and hold the Instagram app icon. Next, tap on Uninstall and then confirm uninstalling the app. Head to Play Store (if using an Android device) or App Store (if using an iOS device). Here search for the Instagram app and install the app.Open the app on your phone and log in to your Instagram account. Check if you can see Instagram Story views.
Use Instagram Web
Many times the issue may only be with the app. If that is the case, you should try using the Instagram website. Head to the browser on your device (phone or PC) and open the Instagram website. Login to your account and check if you can now see the Instagram story views or not.
Contact Instagram Support
If none of the above steps helped fix the issue, you should try contacting Instagram support. You can do so by visiting the Help Center Page. Here, you can report your problem or search for the queries that other users have already asked.
Final Words
If you cannot view the Instagram Story Views, then these are the troubleshooting steps to help you solve it. Following the troubleshooting steps in this article, you will be able to fix the issue you have been facing with Instagram. Why can’t I see my views on IG story? RELATED ARTICLES:
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