When you extend the screen to work with a multi-monitor setup, you will face various problems like manually adjusting the brightness of all the screens that are connected to your PC. It can be hectic to manually adjust the brightness level of all the monitors that you use with your PC. To make it easier, people prefer using third-party brightness and screen dimmer apps for Windows 11. 

Best Screen Dimmer for Windows 11

There are various brightness and screen dimmer apps that you can go for. However, it can be a bit difficult to select the best one. Here we have compiled a list of the best brightness and screen dimmer apps for Windows 11 that you can prefer using. 

1 Best Screen Dimmer for Windows 111.1 CareUEyes Screen Drimer1.2 Dimmer1.3 iBrightness Tray1.4 ClickMonitorDDC1.5 Desktop Lighter2 Final Words

CareUEyes Screen Drimer

The very first screen dimmer app we have on the list is CareUEyes Screen dimmer. This app is probably one of the best brightness and screen dimmer apps that you can prefer to use for Windows 11. The app is easy to use and does offer various features to protect your eyes and control the brightness of your screen. 

You can set the filters to your screen based on the lighting conditions you are in. You can adjust the brightness of your screen and even change the color temperature of your screen. The app offers a feature called Force rest. If you turn this feature on, then you can set the break period and you won’t be able to use your computer not until the break period is over.  You get a DND mode with this one, so you won’t get any notification when you set the DND mode on. The app offers a smart mode, using the screen will automatically adjust the color temperature and the brightness automatically. 


The next app we have on the list is Dimmer. This is a screen dimming app that has support for multiple screens. If you are using a multi-screen setup then this probably is one of the best brightness and screen dimmer apps that you can use. Moreover, you also have individual control for every monitor you are using.  However, there is a con of this app, that can be frustrating if you prefer the keyboard over the mouse. Yes, you don’t get keyboard shortcuts/hotkey functionality with this app. 

iBrightness Tray

This is a basic brightness app that you can prefer to use for Windows 11. The app only has 3 main features, and for that reason, it is called a basic brightness and screen dimmer app for Windows 11.  There is a horizontal slider using which you can adjust the brightness of the screen. Using this slider you can without any problem adjust the brightness of the computer as per your comfort. Moreover, you get the option to turn on/off the screen saver on your computer, and that’s the second main feature of the app. You can completely power off the screen of the desktop, which can help save the battery when you are taking a break. This can be done without interrupting the work that you were doing. 


ClickMonitorDDC is another screen dimming app that you can use for Windows 11. This is a screen dimming and brightness app coming with advanced features that you can use on your Windows PC. It does provide you with all the features you need. You get an RGB color combination for the screen light. It is completely customizable, and you can easily customize it based on your preference. You can use the app to easily increase or decrease the brightness of your screen. Not only can you control the brightness of your display, but also control the color volume using this app. The app shares an easy-to-use interface, which means you do not need any prior knowledge of using any brightness app. One can easily use the app and control the brightness of their screen. You can set keyboard shortcuts/hotkeys to have control of the brightness of your screen. 

Desktop Lighter

The last app that we have on the list is Desktop Lighter. Using this app you can adjust the brightness of your app. There is a slider available to adjust the brightness easily. Moreover, you can use the keyboard shortcuts or the hotkeys to adjust the brightness of your computer. The software remembers the brightness level that you adjusted previously, and you can revert to it even after you have changed it. If you are looking for a screen dimmer app to be used on Windows 11, then Desktop Lighter is surely a good app to go for. ALSO READ:

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Final Words

These are some of the best brightness and screen dimmer apps for Windows 11 that you can prefer to use. All of these apps provide useful features that allow you to control the brightness of the screen. If you have to choose any one app amongst all, then we would recommend you to go for CareUEyes Screen dimmer.


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