The application makes use of the Pomodoro technique – a time management method developed in the years 80, in which you work in blocks of 25 minutes without interruption and focused on only one task. Each time slice is called Pomodoro, and at the end of 25 minutes is necessary to make a five-minute break. Every four pomodori (plural of Pomodoro), it is necessary to perform larger breaks of 30 minutes. The goal of this study and working technique is to increase the concentration and productivity, and to reduce the interruptions, relieve anxiety, and show clearly how long you delay in each task.

It’s time to devote

Knowing the functioning of that system (which is not explained in the app), you can use the Clockwork Tomato. He offers a timer that can be customized, so that, after the play, there is no need to be worried about the time, since the software warns you of the time to make the break and go back to study or to work every 25 minutes. The idea of the application is that you don’t worry about the weather, just focus on the task carried out and make the intervals at the right time – all within the Pomodoro technique. In addition, to be a timer, the Clockwork Tomato is a clock and a record of activities can be used as a widget to integrate more easily the menus, without having to access the application actually use it. The timer is right in the middle of the app, like a watch, but without the numbers in front of the pointers, because the intent here is not to show the time. When you touch the play button, the 25-minute blocks start and stop automatically, starting the five-minute breaks. You can customize how many blocks of Pomodoro wants to configure and change various aspects, such as colors, styles, sizes, and shapes. In order to run Clockwork Tomato app on your PC, you will need to install BlueStacks Software. More Posts - Website Follow Me: