Kawasaki was originally responsible for marketing Apple’s Macintosh computer and he was also the former Apple chief evangelist.  He inspired so many businesses and brands around the world. How did Guy Kawasaki’s net worth go from zero to over $30 million?  In this post, we’ll discuss the secrets that helped Guy Kawasaki so you can also follow the same path. Are you curious? Let’s jump into the details.

Who is Guy Kawasaki?

Guy Takeo Kawasaki is an American marketing specialist, author, speaker, entrepreneur, and evangelist. Guy Kawasaki worked for Apple as a ​​chief evangelist and a trustee of the Wikimedia Foundation. He is currently the chief evangelist of Canva, which is a popular graphic design platform. He’s a brand ambassador for Mercedes Benz USA.  He is also an executive fellow of the Haas School of Business, and an adjunct professor of the University of New South Wales. Guy Kawasaki biography:

Guy Kawasaki’s Age: 66 years old Birth Date: 30 August 1954 Birth Place: United States Nationality: American Status: Married

Guy Kawasaki in Numbers:

Over 1.4 million people follow Guy Kawasaki on Twitter Nearly 96,000 people follow him on Instagram Guy Kawasaki has published 14 books so far including the recent best-seller “Wise Guy”

So are you ready to discover what contributed to Guy Kawasaki’s business success? Want to know how Guy Kawasaki net worth went from $0 to over $30 million? Read on.

Guy Kawasaki Net Worth: 10 Powerful Lessons to Learn from Him

Lesson 1: Give before you ask

Guy Kawasaki doesn’t believe in “quid pro quo” (in other words, “a favor for a favor”). Instead, he starts by paying it forward.  We often do favors to get things in return – but you don’t set up the relationship to be a transactional one. Become a giver first before asking for any help.  Almost every successful entrepreneur knows the importance of “giving first”. Mark Zuckerberg NEVER charged users to join and use his social media network: Facebook. He offered it for free. Then, he found ways to monetize the platform with ads. The same is the case with Google. It’s FREE to use for everyone. Both Facebook and Google are billion-dollar businesses.  You too can follow the similar approach of “give before you ask” and you’ll be surprised with the outcome.  There’s something called “Rule of Reciprocity” which says “when you do something for someone, they’ll feel inspired or obliged, to do something for you in return”.  Following the rule of reciprocity is the major reason Guy Kawasaki net worth is over 30 million dollars. Key takeaway: Giving before you take applies to almost everything in life from business relationships to networking. Always put yourself forward to be helpful. That’s the BEST way to succeed in life and business. 

Lesson 2: Improve people’s lives

One common trait about successful people like Guy Kawasaki is they care about other people’s lives. They always find ways to improve others’ lives. That’s why they succeed most of the time in whatever they do! Guy Kawasaki once said, “The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning; to create a product or service to make the world a better place.” He knows the importance of adding value to others. He believes that successful companies start out to make meaning, not to make money. The best way to improve people’s lives is to find a problem and offer a solution. That being said, here are some of the best ways to find solutions to a problem.

Identify the problem Analyze it Look for root causes  Come up with solutions  Implement the ideal solution

In a nutshell, to improve others’ lives, you need to find needs and wants. Then, build processes and leverage tools to find the BEST solutions to solve those problems.  Key takeaway: Always find ways to offer help.  Be memorable. Get to know your target audience. Find solutions to solve their problems. That’s how you can impact others’ lives.

Lesson 3: Learning is a process

Guy Kawasaki believes that learning is a process, not a one-time event.  Learning helps you with deep understanding and knowledge. Constant learning changes your behavior and skills.  Once you realize that learning is not a byproduct of natural intelligence, but a process – you’ll start getting ahead in your life and business. Key takeaway: No matter what business you’re in, always trust the process and bet on yourself. Things may look bad now but if you keep pushing your limits and focus on learning and upgrading yourself, you’ll be on your way to success.

Lesson 4: Become an author

If there’s ONE major thing we can all learn from Guy Kawasaki’s success, it is this: become an author and share your knowledge. Did you know that Guy Kawasaki has published 14 books so far? If you’re curious, here’s a list of all the books written by Guy Kawasaki. You can find all of his books from here and you can click on each individual book to find more details about it along with the purchase links.  From life advice to networking to social media and computers, Guy Kawasaki has written a book about almost everything. It NOT only helped Kawasaki career-wise but it also attracted a new audience to his businesses.  Writing a book and becoming an author is an instant credibility booster.  It helps you build and grow your reputation (both offline and online). It opens many doors for you to find a new audience, connect with influencers, make more money, and the list goes on. Key takeaway: Becoming an author to write a book can be a powerful way to share your thoughts, values, and wisdom. It also sets you apart from your competitors. So don’t let that chance slip through your fingers.

Lesson 5: Start podcasting

Guy Kawasaki runs an amazing podcast called “Remarkable People” where he features interviews with thought leaders and experts such as Jane Goodall, Stephen Wolfram, Margaret Atwood, Woz, Martha Stewart, Kristi Yamaguchi, and more. There are a ton of benefits of starting a podcast for your business including;

It helps you connect with influencers in your industry It builds instant credibility It attracts a new audience and customers to your business Podcasts make information personal

Above all,  a podcast gives you your own media platform to share your thoughts and wisdom every week. Key takeaway: Podcasting helps you increase your website traffic, sales, and conversions. Make sure to start a podcast if you’re running a business and planning to grow it faster.

Lesson 6: Become a keynote speaker 

Here’s an interesting fact about Guy Kawasaki: he gives over 50 keynote speeches every year.  His clients include major brands such as Apple, Nike, Gartner, Audi, Google, Microsoft, and more. Guy mostly talks about innovation, social media, evangelism, and entrepreneurship. If you’ve expertise in your field, you can also give a try to keynote speaking where you can offer practical techniques to improve others’ lives. Key takeaway: Keynote speaking helps you build a better brand for your business or company. It offers fresh ideas to your customers (or workers) and inspires them to take action.

Lesson 7: Overcome narrow-minded thinking

In one of his speeches, Guy Kawasaki suggests people to overcome narrow thinking and talked about a $2 billion dollar mistake of his own. Shortly after Yahoo was founded and had received funding from a firm, the firm partner asked Kawasaki to interview to be the first CEO of the company.  Guy Kawasaki turned him down – saying that the drive involved a long commute, and adding that he didn’t see how Yahoo, could become a successful business. Ouch… that was a BIG mistake from his end, isn’t it? Kawasaki says he now calculates that stock he would have received had he been appointed as the first CEO of the company would have been worth over $2 billion. So what can we learn from this incident? Avoid narrow-minded thinking while making KEY decisions in life (and business).  Key takeaway: Never stop taking risks. You need to do the opposite. Be broad-minded as it helps you respect views and beliefs that differ from your own.

Lesson 8: It takes time

Many young people worry about years while wasting their days. Most of us are looking for shortcuts while there are actually none. If you want to succeed in life and business, you need to work hard for years! You can’t expect 20 years of amazing results from 20 minutes of work. It takes time. Once you realize that, you’ll have a better vision which ultimately helps you build successful businesses.  Have a long-term vision. That’s the reason Guy Kawasaki net worth is growing rapidly Key takeaway: Yes, in this competitive world, you need to move fast, make quicker decisions. But vision takes time. Be prepared to work hard for years before you expect anything great in life.

Lesson 9: Build social proof

If there’s one thing that Kawasaki is good at, it is this: building social proof. Social proof can be a powerful marketing strategy as it creates the bandwagon effect. The bandwagon effect is a popular social psychology concept that states that people are more likely to engage in action if other people are doing it. Here’s a simple illustration that shows how powerful it can be. As you can see above, if someone (especially your friends or colleagues) is doing something, you’ll also most likely do it sooner or later. So make sure to build solid social proof around your business if you want to attract more customers and profits. If you’re running an online business, there are multiple ways to build social proof including;

User reviews Testimonials from customers and influencers Collaborate with experts Share milestones (such as “reaching “x” amount of users to your website”)

Key takeaway: Social proof makes your business more trustworthy. No matter what business or company you’re running, make sure to add social proof to bring more customers and profits.

Lesson 10: Readers are leaders

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” — Dr. Seuss Guy Kawasaki is a voracious reader. He is one of those entrepreneurs who believe that anything can be self-taught. If you observe any successful businessman including Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet – you’ll notice one thing: they read A LOT. Almost all the leaders and influencers in the world are readers.  Although Kawasaki is a genius, we too can learn A LOT by cultivating the habit of reading daily. If you’re curious to find out the favorite books of Kawasaki, here are 10 of them. Key takeaway: Reading helps you find new opportunities. It gives you new ideas. Reading keeps your brain healthy. So make sure to set aside a couple of hours a month to read books. 

Top 10 Guy Kawasaki Quotes that Will Inspire Entrepreneurs

Are you searching for inspiring quotes by Guy Kawasaki? Here are the top 10 Guy Kawasaki quotes about entrepreneurship, business, and life.

  1. A good idea is about ten percent implementation and hard work, and luck is 90 percent.
  2. If you have more money than brains, you should focus on outbound marketing, If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing.
  3. Want to change the world? Upset the status quo? This takes more than run-of-the-mill relationships. You need to make people dream the same dream that you do.
  4. Do you know what the difference is between PR and advertising? Advertising is when you say how great you are. PR is when other people say how great you are. PR is better.
  5. Simple and to the point is always the best way to get your point across.
  6. Money is not the sole or most powerful motivation for many people. A higher and tougher test is to look back and see how you’ve made the world a better place.
  7. Steve Jobs has a saying that A players hire A players; B players hire C players, and C players hire D players. It doesn’t take long to get to Z players. This trickle-down effect causes bozo explosions in companies.
  8. Pursue joy, not happiness. This is probably the hardest lesson of all to learn. It probably seems to you that the goal in life is to be happy. Oh, you maybe have to sacrifice and study and work hard, but, by and large, happiness should be predictable.
  9. Just be nice, take a genuine interest in the people you meet, and keep in touch with people you like. This will create a group of people who are invested in helping you because they know you and appreciate you.
  10. When you give people too many choices it makes them hesitate and not buy stuff. Few More Related Net Worth Posts:

Jack Ma Net Worth: 10 Lessons From Alibaba Founder Russell Brunson Net Worth: 10 Incredible Lessons to Learn From a Legend 10 Lessons to Learn from Pat Flynn to Build A MEGA Online Business Gary Vaynerchuk Net Worth: 10 Lessons to Learn from Gary Neil Patel Net Worth: 10 Lessons from Neil’s Online Success Ramit Sethi Net Worth: 10 Lessons to Learn from Ramit’s Success PewDiePie Net Worth: How He Became the #1 Most-Subscribed YouTuber MrBeast Net Worth 2023: How MrBeast Gained 125 Million Plus Subscribers

Here’s a list of some of the frequently asked questions around Guy Kawasaki and his net worth.

Final Thoughts on Guy Kawasaki Net Worth

Guy Kawasaki is one of the renowned and genius entrepreneurs in the world who believes in the “give before you take” approach. He has partnered with many amazing brands and helped them to 10x their growth with his skills.

How to Make Money from Pet Blogging in 2023? Future of Blogging: Are Blogs Still Relevant in 2023? 15 Free Blogging Sites for Creating Blogs in 2023 20 Best Blogging Courses for Beginners What is Event Blogging and How to Make Money from It? How to Create a Micro Niche Blog and Make Profit from it? 10 Blogging Skills You Need to Become a Successful Blogger How to Start a Weight Loss Blog and Make Money from It?

Are you a fan of Guy Kawasaki and his work?  What do you think about Guy Kawasaki’s net worth and online success? How did Guy Kawasaki inspire you? Share your views in the comments.

title: “Guy Kawasaki Net Worth 10 Incredible Lessons We Can Learn " ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-06” author: “Melissa Constantine”

Kawasaki was originally responsible for marketing Apple’s Macintosh computer and he was also the former Apple chief evangelist.  He inspired so many businesses and brands around the world. How did Guy Kawasaki’s net worth go from zero to over $30 million?  In this post, we’ll discuss the secrets that helped Guy Kawasaki so you can also follow the same path. Are you curious? Let’s jump into the details.

Who is Guy Kawasaki?

Guy Takeo Kawasaki is an American marketing specialist, author, speaker, entrepreneur, and evangelist. Guy Kawasaki worked for Apple as a ​​chief evangelist and a trustee of the Wikimedia Foundation. He is currently the chief evangelist of Canva, which is a popular graphic design platform. He’s a brand ambassador for Mercedes Benz USA.  He is also an executive fellow of the Haas School of Business, and an adjunct professor of the University of New South Wales. Guy Kawasaki biography:

Guy Kawasaki’s Age: 66 years old Birth Date: 30 August 1954 Birth Place: United States Nationality: American Status: Married

Guy Kawasaki in Numbers:

Over 1.4 million people follow Guy Kawasaki on Twitter Nearly 96,000 people follow him on Instagram Guy Kawasaki has published 14 books so far including the recent best-seller “Wise Guy”

So are you ready to discover what contributed to Guy Kawasaki’s business success? Want to know how Guy Kawasaki net worth went from $0 to over $30 million? Read on.

Guy Kawasaki Net Worth: 10 Powerful Lessons to Learn from Him

Lesson 1: Give before you ask

Guy Kawasaki doesn’t believe in “quid pro quo” (in other words, “a favor for a favor”). Instead, he starts by paying it forward.  We often do favors to get things in return – but you don’t set up the relationship to be a transactional one. Become a giver first before asking for any help.  Almost every successful entrepreneur knows the importance of “giving first”. Mark Zuckerberg NEVER charged users to join and use his social media network: Facebook. He offered it for free. Then, he found ways to monetize the platform with ads. The same is the case with Google. It’s FREE to use for everyone. Both Facebook and Google are billion-dollar businesses.  You too can follow the similar approach of “give before you ask” and you’ll be surprised with the outcome.  There’s something called “Rule of Reciprocity” which says “when you do something for someone, they’ll feel inspired or obliged, to do something for you in return”.  Following the rule of reciprocity is the major reason Guy Kawasaki net worth is over 30 million dollars. Key takeaway: Giving before you take applies to almost everything in life from business relationships to networking. Always put yourself forward to be helpful. That’s the BEST way to succeed in life and business. 

Lesson 2: Improve people’s lives

One common trait about successful people like Guy Kawasaki is they care about other people’s lives. They always find ways to improve others’ lives. That’s why they succeed most of the time in whatever they do! Guy Kawasaki once said, “The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning; to create a product or service to make the world a better place.” He knows the importance of adding value to others. He believes that successful companies start out to make meaning, not to make money. The best way to improve people’s lives is to find a problem and offer a solution. That being said, here are some of the best ways to find solutions to a problem.

Identify the problem Analyze it Look for root causes  Come up with solutions  Implement the ideal solution

In a nutshell, to improve others’ lives, you need to find needs and wants. Then, build processes and leverage tools to find the BEST solutions to solve those problems.  Key takeaway: Always find ways to offer help.  Be memorable. Get to know your target audience. Find solutions to solve their problems. That’s how you can impact others’ lives.

Lesson 3: Learning is a process

Guy Kawasaki believes that learning is a process, not a one-time event.  Learning helps you with deep understanding and knowledge. Constant learning changes your behavior and skills.  Once you realize that learning is not a byproduct of natural intelligence, but a process – you’ll start getting ahead in your life and business. Key takeaway: No matter what business you’re in, always trust the process and bet on yourself. Things may look bad now but if you keep pushing your limits and focus on learning and upgrading yourself, you’ll be on your way to success.

Lesson 4: Become an author

If there’s ONE major thing we can all learn from Guy Kawasaki’s success, it is this: become an author and share your knowledge. Did you know that Guy Kawasaki has published 14 books so far? If you’re curious, here’s a list of all the books written by Guy Kawasaki. You can find all of his books from here and you can click on each individual book to find more details about it along with the purchase links.  From life advice to networking to social media and computers, Guy Kawasaki has written a book about almost everything. It NOT only helped Kawasaki career-wise but it also attracted a new audience to his businesses.  Writing a book and becoming an author is an instant credibility booster.  It helps you build and grow your reputation (both offline and online). It opens many doors for you to find a new audience, connect with influencers, make more money, and the list goes on. Key takeaway: Becoming an author to write a book can be a powerful way to share your thoughts, values, and wisdom. It also sets you apart from your competitors. So don’t let that chance slip through your fingers.

Lesson 5: Start podcasting

Guy Kawasaki runs an amazing podcast called “Remarkable People” where he features interviews with thought leaders and experts such as Jane Goodall, Stephen Wolfram, Margaret Atwood, Woz, Martha Stewart, Kristi Yamaguchi, and more. There are a ton of benefits of starting a podcast for your business including;

It helps you connect with influencers in your industry It builds instant credibility It attracts a new audience and customers to your business Podcasts make information personal

Above all,  a podcast gives you your own media platform to share your thoughts and wisdom every week. Key takeaway: Podcasting helps you increase your website traffic, sales, and conversions. Make sure to start a podcast if you’re running a business and planning to grow it faster.

Lesson 6: Become a keynote speaker 

Here’s an interesting fact about Guy Kawasaki: he gives over 50 keynote speeches every year.  His clients include major brands such as Apple, Nike, Gartner, Audi, Google, Microsoft, and more. Guy mostly talks about innovation, social media, evangelism, and entrepreneurship. If you’ve expertise in your field, you can also give a try to keynote speaking where you can offer practical techniques to improve others’ lives. Key takeaway: Keynote speaking helps you build a better brand for your business or company. It offers fresh ideas to your customers (or workers) and inspires them to take action.

Lesson 7: Overcome narrow-minded thinking

In one of his speeches, Guy Kawasaki suggests people to overcome narrow thinking and talked about a $2 billion dollar mistake of his own. Shortly after Yahoo was founded and had received funding from a firm, the firm partner asked Kawasaki to interview to be the first CEO of the company.  Guy Kawasaki turned him down – saying that the drive involved a long commute, and adding that he didn’t see how Yahoo, could become a successful business. Ouch… that was a BIG mistake from his end, isn’t it? Kawasaki says he now calculates that stock he would have received had he been appointed as the first CEO of the company would have been worth over $2 billion. So what can we learn from this incident? Avoid narrow-minded thinking while making KEY decisions in life (and business).  Key takeaway: Never stop taking risks. You need to do the opposite. Be broad-minded as it helps you respect views and beliefs that differ from your own.

Lesson 8: It takes time

Many young people worry about years while wasting their days. Most of us are looking for shortcuts while there are actually none. If you want to succeed in life and business, you need to work hard for years! You can’t expect 20 years of amazing results from 20 minutes of work. It takes time. Once you realize that, you’ll have a better vision which ultimately helps you build successful businesses.  Have a long-term vision. That’s the reason Guy Kawasaki net worth is growing rapidly Key takeaway: Yes, in this competitive world, you need to move fast, make quicker decisions. But vision takes time. Be prepared to work hard for years before you expect anything great in life.

Lesson 9: Build social proof

If there’s one thing that Kawasaki is good at, it is this: building social proof. Social proof can be a powerful marketing strategy as it creates the bandwagon effect. The bandwagon effect is a popular social psychology concept that states that people are more likely to engage in action if other people are doing it. Here’s a simple illustration that shows how powerful it can be. As you can see above, if someone (especially your friends or colleagues) is doing something, you’ll also most likely do it sooner or later. So make sure to build solid social proof around your business if you want to attract more customers and profits. If you’re running an online business, there are multiple ways to build social proof including;

User reviews Testimonials from customers and influencers Collaborate with experts Share milestones (such as “reaching “x” amount of users to your website”)

Key takeaway: Social proof makes your business more trustworthy. No matter what business or company you’re running, make sure to add social proof to bring more customers and profits.

Lesson 10: Readers are leaders

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” — Dr. Seuss Guy Kawasaki is a voracious reader. He is one of those entrepreneurs who believe that anything can be self-taught. If you observe any successful businessman including Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet – you’ll notice one thing: they read A LOT. Almost all the leaders and influencers in the world are readers.  Although Kawasaki is a genius, we too can learn A LOT by cultivating the habit of reading daily. If you’re curious to find out the favorite books of Kawasaki, here are 10 of them. Key takeaway: Reading helps you find new opportunities. It gives you new ideas. Reading keeps your brain healthy. So make sure to set aside a couple of hours a month to read books. 

Top 10 Guy Kawasaki Quotes that Will Inspire Entrepreneurs

Are you searching for inspiring quotes by Guy Kawasaki? Here are the top 10 Guy Kawasaki quotes about entrepreneurship, business, and life.

  1. A good idea is about ten percent implementation and hard work, and luck is 90 percent.
  2. If you have more money than brains, you should focus on outbound marketing, If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing.
  3. Want to change the world? Upset the status quo? This takes more than run-of-the-mill relationships. You need to make people dream the same dream that you do.
  4. Do you know what the difference is between PR and advertising? Advertising is when you say how great you are. PR is when other people say how great you are. PR is better.
  5. Simple and to the point is always the best way to get your point across.
  6. Money is not the sole or most powerful motivation for many people. A higher and tougher test is to look back and see how you’ve made the world a better place.
  7. Steve Jobs has a saying that A players hire A players; B players hire C players, and C players hire D players. It doesn’t take long to get to Z players. This trickle-down effect causes bozo explosions in companies.
  8. Pursue joy, not happiness. This is probably the hardest lesson of all to learn. It probably seems to you that the goal in life is to be happy. Oh, you maybe have to sacrifice and study and work hard, but, by and large, happiness should be predictable.
  9. Just be nice, take a genuine interest in the people you meet, and keep in touch with people you like. This will create a group of people who are invested in helping you because they know you and appreciate you.
  10. When you give people too many choices it makes them hesitate and not buy stuff. Few More Related Net Worth Posts:

Jack Ma Net Worth: 10 Lessons From Alibaba Founder Russell Brunson Net Worth: 10 Incredible Lessons to Learn From a Legend 10 Lessons to Learn from Pat Flynn to Build A MEGA Online Business Gary Vaynerchuk Net Worth: 10 Lessons to Learn from Gary Neil Patel Net Worth: 10 Lessons from Neil’s Online Success Ramit Sethi Net Worth: 10 Lessons to Learn from Ramit’s Success PewDiePie Net Worth: How He Became the #1 Most-Subscribed YouTuber MrBeast Net Worth 2023: How MrBeast Gained 125 Million Plus Subscribers

Here’s a list of some of the frequently asked questions around Guy Kawasaki and his net worth.

Final Thoughts on Guy Kawasaki Net Worth

Guy Kawasaki is one of the renowned and genius entrepreneurs in the world who believes in the “give before you take” approach. He has partnered with many amazing brands and helped them to 10x their growth with his skills.

How to Make Money from Pet Blogging in 2023? Future of Blogging: Are Blogs Still Relevant in 2023? 15 Free Blogging Sites for Creating Blogs in 2023 20 Best Blogging Courses for Beginners What is Event Blogging and How to Make Money from It? How to Create a Micro Niche Blog and Make Profit from it? 10 Blogging Skills You Need to Become a Successful Blogger How to Start a Weight Loss Blog and Make Money from It?

Are you a fan of Guy Kawasaki and his work?  What do you think about Guy Kawasaki’s net worth and online success? How did Guy Kawasaki inspire you? Share your views in the comments.