Block Someone on YouTube Channel

Really there are some people that I don’t know what they are doing? Are they jobless or no? They just make a disturbance in others life. As someone gives them money to annoy everybody in this world. If you have such condition so in this article, I’m going to show you four different ways to block someone on YouTube Channe forever. Now, we are going to explain each section individually. In these for ways, you can do the same task that’s how to block someone on YouTube Channel. Let’s start now. Note: Keep in mind that you can block someone only on your own YouTube Channel, not someone else. 

From Video Itself

First Login to your YouTube Account then go to the video who commented on it, you don’t want that person anymore and you want to block him or her from your channel. Go to the comment section then click on three dots at the right-hand side. Choose “Hide user from channel”.

From his/her channel

Click on his/her comment then you will be prompted to his/her channel. Now see a small flag sign at the right-hand side. Click on the flag sign the choose “Block User”. 

Dashboard Community Comments

These two steps now I’m going to tell you are somehow difficult rather than those two previous methods. Now click on your YouTube profile picture then tap on the Creator Studio at the upper right-hand side. Now click on the community>comments. Now, at the right-hand side click on the small flag icon then choose “Hide this user’s comment on this channel”.

Dashboard Community Messages

If someone send you lots of private messages and make you puzzle so just follow this step very carefully. First what you are going to do is follow the third method of this article. Go to Creator Studio> Community> Messages. Once you went to this path, click on the person’s message that you want to block. Tap on the flag icon then chooses “Ban from channel”. These were three different ways to block someone on YouTube Channel. The ways were different but the work were the same. Now if you have got any question feel free to ask me right below this post. Thanks for being with us.  

How to Block Someone on YouTube Channel  - 88How to Block Someone on YouTube Channel  - 6How to Block Someone on YouTube Channel  - 5How to Block Someone on YouTube Channel  - 13How to Block Someone on YouTube Channel  - 2