Ways to Connect Jabra Elite 65t to a Laptop
Connecting the Jabra Elite 65t to Windows 10 Laptop
The process of connecting headphones to your laptop is actually pretty straight forward, follow the steps given below:
1 Ways to Connect Jabra Elite 65t to a Laptop1.1 Connecting the Jabra Elite 65t to Windows 10 Laptop 1.1.1 Step 1: Enable the Pair Mode on the Elite 65t Bluetooth Earphones.1.1.2 Step 2: Pair the Elite 65t Earphones with Your Laptop1.1.3 Troubleshooting in Case of Unsuccessful Pairing1.2 Connecting the Jabra elite 65t Earphones to a New Laptop1.3 Connecting Jabra Elite 65t to a MacBook2 Final Words
Step 1: Enable the Pair Mode on the Elite 65t Bluetooth Earphones.
Switch the earphones off. The Elite 65t can be turned off by holding the multi-function button on the side, or by using the volume down button on the left earbud. You can also turn them off automatically by putting them in their charging case. Press and hold the left and right earbuds multi-function button for five seconds or until the Bluetooth LED flashes and the earphones alert that the pairing mode has been triggered. If the earphones are on, the LED will flash green and if they are off it will flash red.
Step 2: Pair the Elite 65t Earphones with Your Laptop
Enable the Bluetooth feature on both the earphones and the laptop Do this to enable Bluetooth on your computer: On your Windows desktop, open the ‘Settings’ app. From the list of settings displayed, click on ‘Devices’. Click ‘Bluetooth and Other Applications’ from the visible options and then switch to Bluetooth. Use the ‘Add Bluetooth or another device’ button to add a new device to your Bluetooth device. Pick the earphones from the list of choices available. The Elite 65t on the “Bluetooth and other devices” window should now be visible. Confirmation of pairing: If pairing was successful, the LED light on the Elite 65t will stop blinking.
Troubleshooting in Case of Unsuccessful Pairing
The earphones may not pair with the laptop in some situations. To fix this issue, clear the list of paired devices on the laptop and start the process all over again. If you are still facing issues trying to connect the Elite 56t to your laptop, then go ahead and clear the DNS cache. You can clear the cache by searching for “cmd” in the Windows search bar and selecting the Command Prompt option. Once the command prompt comes up type in the following command: Ip config/flushdns The message ‘’Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache’’ should appear in the Command Prompt window. Once the Jabra Elite 65t is connected to your laptop, as long as both are in close proximity and the Bluetooth is turned on for both devices, they will remain connected. Once the earphones are kept in the charging case, the connection will break. They will have to be turned on the next time they are used via the multi-function button, after which they will automatically connect to your computer. Pairing problems affect most headphone brands. Check out our helpful article on how to reset your Astro A50 headphones when they have pairing issues.
Connecting the Jabra elite 65t Earphones to a New Laptop
If you want to connect the Jabra Elite 65t to a new laptop, the earphones would have to be reset and the history of past paired laptops removed. To do this, you must press and hold the right multi-function button for 10 seconds. The LED will start flashing in purple to indicate that the device has been reset (want your computer to match? Check out these purple laptops). You can then begin the pairing process.
Connecting Jabra Elite 65t to a MacBook
Easily connect the Jabra elite 65t with MacBooks by following the steps given below:
Click on ‘Bluetooth’ from the items in the MacBook menu bar. From the drop-down menu, click on the Airpods option, which then displays the Bluetooth menu. Toggle the Bluetooth switch to ensure its on. If there is no Bluetooth status icon in the menu bar, press the Apple menu, then pick System Preferences. Select the Bluetooth option and then select the option to display Bluetooth on the menu bar. You can now press the button on the menu bar to turn Bluetooth on or off. Press the multi-function button on the Elite 65t and hold it for 3 seconds or until the LED indicator light flashes blue. When they connect to your laptop, the earbuds will be show up in the Bluetooth menu. To finish the process of pairing them, click the Connect button. You can now use your headphones with your computer. Open the Bluetooth menu in the status bar and choose Sound Preferences if you need to adjust the quality of the right and left earphones.
Final Words
Furthermore, you can connect the Jabra Elite 65t to two devices at the same time! This means that if your earphones are connected to a smartphone and a laptop at the same time, and you switch between the devices, you do not have to connect them both separately. The earphones can be easily connected to many similar devices such as smartwatches, TVs and gaming consoles. We also have a guide that helps with the reverse issue – How to use two headphones on PC and Mac. The days of bulky wired headphones are long gone! The only issue with most devices these days is that sometimes the price does not justify the build quality. The Jabra Elite 65t has a stylish look along with excellent sound quality. The noise cancellation feature helps you block unwanted sound and the earphones are overall very comfortable to wear. We hope that you enjoy your headphones even more now that you know how to connect the Jabra Elite 65t to your laptop!