Implementing Agency

Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries is implementing the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of ‘National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB) with the objective of bringing about genetic up-gradation of cattle and buffaloes by artificial insemination as well as the acquisition of proven indigenous animals. NPCBB is implemented through State Implementing Agencies (SIAs) like State Livestock Development Boards. In order to bring about synergy between NPCBB and Livestock Insurance, the latter scheme will also be implemented through the SIAs. Almost all the states have opted for NPCBB. In states which are not implementing NPCBB or where there are no SIAs, the livestock insurance scheme will be implemented through the State Animal Husbandry Departments.


National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding envisages genetic up gradation and development of indigenous breeds on a priority basis. Objectives:

  1. To arrange delivery of vastly improved artificial insemination service at the farmer doorstep. 2. To progressively bring under organized breeding through artificial insemination or natural service by high-quality bulls, all breedable females among cattle and buffalo within a period of 10 years. 3. To undertake a breed improvement programs for indigenous cattle and buffalo breeds so as to improve their genetic qualities as well as their availability. For further details contact Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries

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