What is the future of blogging? Is it too late to start a blog in 2023? Are you struggling to find “helpful” answers to these questions? If yes, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started with the blog statistics first. There are over 600 million blogs in the world today, out of over 1.8 billion websites (source). Why would someone launch a new blog if blogging is already dead? Let’s pull up one more statistic.  The popularity of the search term “blogging” is not declining either. Have a look at the Google Trends report (data for the last 5 years, worldwide); See that? The worldwide popularity and trend for the search term “blogging” has been constant for the past 5 years. It’s declining in some countries (increasing in many more countries).  The verdict? Blogging is NOT dead. Blogging still offers a greater value.  Whether you agree with it or not, blogging has a GREATER value than what we post on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. People are still reading blogs. That being said, here are some of our predictions about the future of blogging.

1. Content marketing is king 

Why do millions of people use search engines like Google? Mostly to browse information or find answers to specific questions, right? Content marketing helps you provide answers to those questions for your target audience (or customers). If used right, content marketing can triple your traffic, conversions, and overall sales. Content marketing includes things like blog posts, eBooks, videos, webinars, infographics, checklists, and more. And… content marketing isn’t going anywhere. It’s here to stay FOREVER! According to a survey, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads. So if you’re looking for a cost-effective strategy to increase your leads, traffic, and sales – content marketing is your best bet! Want to get faster results with your content marketing? Try Jasper. It is an AI-powered content writing tool that can produce high-quality articles for your website with just one click of the mouse. All you need to do is to give some input and it will automatically create content for you. Try it out today using Jasper free trial offer! You can also check out our Jasper AI unbiased review or find out Jasper pricing packages to know more details.

2. Focus more on user experience 

Want to get more traffic? Want to boost your website conversions? Want to get more sales? Improve your website’s user experience (UX).  Whether you know it or not Google takes UX signals into consideration while ranking a website. User experience signals are behavioral patterns that determine a user’s experience on your website. User experience includes things like website speed (page loading times), social shares, comments, bounce rate, dwell time, and more. Write for readers, not for bots. Create products that solve your target audience’s needs. If you focus more on users, you’ll thrive in niche even after a decade.

3. Video consumption is growing rapidly

According to HubSpot, 96% of consumers increased their online video consumption, and 9 out of 10 viewers said that they wanted to see more videos from brands and businesses. More than 5 billion videos are consumed on YouTube every day. Video consumption is growing rapidly. So if you want to survive in blogging industry, make sure to start producing videos. You can start embedding them within your blog posts and upload them to YouTube to generate more blog traffic. If you’re creating only blog posts, start branching out and make videos. Start small. You don’t have to create a ton of videos while getting started. But make sure to create videos if you want to increase your user engagement. 

4. Build a brand

“The future of publishing is about having connections to readers and the knowledge of what those readers want.” – Seth Godin People don’t buy from strangers, they buy from well-known brands. Successful marketers like Pat Flynn, Gary Vaynerchuk, Neil Patel, etc can build thriving online businesses because of their personal brand. So if you want to succeed in blogging, start building your personal brand. If you’re curious, here’s an easy guide for you to build a personal brand with examples.

5. Optimize your website for Google

Did you know that 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine?  Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day.  That’s a HUGE number, right? Millions of people use search engines every single day. Are they going to stop searching? NEVER. So if you want to get long-lasting results from blogging, make sure to optimize your website for search engines like Google.  Here are some quick tips to optimize your site for Google.

Find low competitive keywords to rank for. Don’t target short-tail keywords are they extremely hard to get #1 rankings in Google search Take care of on-page optimization. Use descriptive titles and include your primary keyword in important places like description, title, image alt tags, etc Get more backlinks. Backlinks help you quickly get higher rankings for your keywords in any industry Optimize your website for voice search as voice-enabled shopping is expected to rise to $40 billion in revenue generated by 2022

5 Techniques in Blogging That Are Actually Dead or Quickly Dying (And What to Do Instead?)

Many blogging techniques are already dead or dying. So… let’s talk about those outdated blogging tactics.

1. Publishing Daily

One blogging tactic that’s long gone is “publishing every single day”. Most people think publishing a ton of articles on their website is going to help them with traffic. But the truth is “Google ranks only those pages that are relevant and useful to the users.” No matter how many articles you publish, it’s NOT going to matter. What matters is the QUALITY of your content.

Do this instead:

It’s always better to create ONE in-depth and informative blog post rather than publishing TEN mediocre blog posts.  Make sure to create a blog posting schedule and decide how often you want to publish on your blog. It doesn’t matter whether you publish a new blog post a week or a month as long as your content is top-notch, engaging, and highly informative. 

2. Using Free Platforms for Blogging

Have you ever seen a website using a free blogging platform ranking on the first page of Google? Extremely rare, right? If you want to get the best results from blogging in the future, don’t use free blogging platforms such as BlogSpot, Tumblr, etc.

Do this instead:

Instead of using free blogging sites, go for self-hosted WordPress blogging platforms as they are easy to customize, give you full control, and are optimized perfectly for search engines.  Although it costs a bit to launch your blog or website on WordPress, it’s worth every single penny. 

3. Covering TOO MANY Topics

Many newbies assume they can quickly generate more search traffic but cover a ton of topics on their blogs. Is it true? NO! Unless you have a ton of budget and a huge team working 24/7 on content creation, SEO, link building, etc – you’re NOT going to succeed in blogging industry by covering too many topics.

Do this instead:

Choose ONLY one topic to start with. Pick a smaller niche. Make sure to publish at least 10 HIGH-QUALITY articles around the topic. Then, you can start covering ANOTHER topic that’s relevant to the topic you’ve already covered. Repeat the same process until you build a loyal following around your blog.

4. Attracting “Random” Visitors

Stop attracting unwanted random visitors to your website. There’s no point in getting thousands of irrelevant visitors to your site who’s NOT at all interested in your content, products, or services. Most newbies try to create a ton of articles on irrelevant topics just to attract more traffic. They don’t realize that “relevant traffic” will NOT help them build a successful blog. In fact, you’re killing your blog if you attract random visitors because there will be high bounce rate, and less dwell time.

Do this instead:

Target relevant long-tail keywords in your niche. SEO is the BEST way to attract “targeted visitors” to your website.  Use tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, etc to find low competitive yet profitable keywords in your niche. 

5. Shorter Articles

Did you know that bloggers who earn over $50,000 per year say their most popular blog posts are 2424 words long on average? (source) We earn over $120,000 per year from our blog BloggersPassion. Guess what? Almost all of our high-traffic and money-making blog posts are over 2000 words. What does it reveal? If you want to build a money-making blog in the long run, stop publishing shorter articles as they are NOT going to add any value to the blogging community. Do this instead: Pick a topic and cover almost every informative detail around that one particular topic.  Analyze the top-ranking articles in Google for the topic. Research well. Include as much “data” as possible.  That’s how you create great content. That type of content is what attracts more social shares, links, comments, and traffic. 

How to Start A WordPress Blog in 2023 Under A Budget?

Are you curious to learn how to start your own WordPress blog? Starting a WordPress blog doesn’t have to be expensive as we’re going to show you a simple way to start on a limited budget. In this quick tutorial, we’ll be using Hostinger (trusted by over 29 million users worldwide) to create your own blog on WordPress.  Quick note: You’ll get the following discounted rates if you use our promo code ANILAGARWAL at the product checkout page.

Single Shared Hosting $1.27 per month (with 86% discount) Premium Shared Hosting $2.38 per month (with 76% discount) Business Shared Hosting $3.67 per month (with 77% discount)

Click on this link to visit Hostinger’s website. Just scroll down to see the following pricing plans in their shared hosting. Choose any web hosting plan that suits your budget. We HIGHLY recommend their Premium shared hosting plan as you can install multiple sites and you’ll also get a free domain. If you’re on a tight budget, go with their starter plan which costs you just around $60 for 4 years of hosting! Here’s how it looks like (after applying the promo code ANILAGARWAL); Fill in the remaining details and make the payment. Once it’s done, you’ll get an email from Hostinger along with your login details. Once you log into your account, you can use the “Auto Installer” to quickly install WordPress on your website. Here’s how it looks like; Once you click on the Auto Installer, select WordPress to install it on your website. That’s it, you’re done! Read: Hostinger Coupon Code 2023: Up to 90% Discount + Free Domain Here are some of the frequently asked questions around the future of blogging in India and worldwide. Read: Future of Affiliate Marketing: Is it growing rapidly or slowly dying? – Use an appealing and unique design– Create extremely good content– Build a personal brand around your blog – Attracts more traffic– Helps you build a brand– Helps you connect with influencers and other bloggers– Attracts more website sales

Final verdict about the future of blogging 

The problem isn’t blogging, it’s you.

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99 out of 100 people quit blogging within a few months. They start a new blog, create some content, and quit if they don’t see any results. You can build a money-making blog by focusing on the long-term. You need to adapt to the latest blogging and SEO trends. So what are your thoughts about the future of blogging? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Let us know if you’ve any questions.