This is usually linked to overheating or hardware and software problems on your laptop. This guide will show you the most common reasons why your laptop fan runs all the time and how to fix it. Read this guide to know more.  

“Why is My Laptop Fan Running So Hard?” – Most Common Reasons

When your laptop fan is running all the time, or it runs harder than usual, it can be due to various reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons why does your laptop run so hard:

1 “Why is My Laptop Fan Running So Hard?” – Most Common Reasons2 How to Fix Your Laptop Fan When It’s Running All The Time2.1 Method #1: Clean Your Laptop’s Internal Components2.2 Method #2: Change Your Laptop’s Power Settings2.3 Method #3: Check Your Laptop For Updates2.4 Method #4: Use External Cooling Hardware3 Final Thoughts

Overheating – If your laptop operates at high temperatures, its fan will work harder and spin faster for extended periods to help cool down its components. Parts such as the graphics processing unit (GPU) or the graphics card can heat up quickly when running specific programs. Hence, your laptop’s fan will run harder than usual. Memory-intensive Programs – Once your laptop runs memory-intensive applications or programs, its processor will work hard to avoid the application from crashing and allocate enough memory, causing the fan to run harder. As mentioned earlier, the GPU can heat up when running graphics-heavy programs, like games and 3D modeling software.

The average workload of a processor is between 1 to 14%. Even at 10%, the processor can start overheating, leading to the laptop’s fan running at high speeds to maintain its components at a cooler temperature.

Software Updates – Laptops need constant software updates to keep their components running normally. Specific updates contain fixes to bugs or glitches affecting your laptop’s fan.

Damaged Laptop Fan – Your laptop’s built-in fan can be faulty once damaged. Try replacing it with a new one or take it to your laptop’s authorized service center nearby and have it fixed.


How to Fix Your Laptop Fan When It’s Running All The Time

It’s important to know that your laptop fan will run harder when you’re often using memory or graphics-intensive programs. Try closing them first and see if this fixes the issue. However, if the laptop fan still runs hard even after closing all memory-heavy applications, you can try these fixes below. Remember to review each fix and see which is the most effective for your laptop fan.  

Method #1: Clean Your Laptop’s Internal Components

When you’ve just used your laptop after a long time, or it hasn’t been cleaned before, there’s a high chance it has dust build-up inside its components. It can also affect your laptop’s overall performance since heat dissipation is essential to keep its components running efficiently. To do this, you’ll need to disconnect your laptop from any power source; if it has a removable battery, disconnect it now. Then, remove the bottom cover of your laptop using a compatible screwdriver. Next, find and remove the laptop fan and heatsink—use a soft brush to clean both components. After removing the heatsink, you’ll need to clean and replace the old thermal grease on the CPU and GPU with a new layer. Finally, you can return the laptop’s components and put the back cover in place.  However, if you don’t want to have the hassle of cleaning your laptop’s components, you can take it to an authorized service center nearby to get it cleaned. This will charge you higher than doing it on your own.  

Method #2: Change Your Laptop’s Power Settings

Changing your laptop’s current power settings can sometimes help to prevent its components from running all the time, including the fan. To change your laptop’s power settings, follow the steps below:  

Method #3: Check Your Laptop For Updates

Your laptop fan might run all the time due to a glitch or a bug in the current software version. Checking your laptop for updates is an effective fix to this issue since it will help your fan run faster, but it can also help your laptop’s overall performance. To manually check your Windows laptop for updates, follow these steps:  

Method #4: Use External Cooling Hardware

Suppose your laptop fails to run normally after following the methods above; you can instead try using external cooling hardware or accessories to help your laptop cool down to its optimal temperature—devices like cooling pads below your laptop to assist the built-in fan inside the laptop.

Final Thoughts

The fan on your laptop is integral in keeping your computer at an optimal temperature and its components running efficiently. While memory-intensive applications can support the fan running harder than usual, it should run back to its normal state when most applications on your laptop are closed. Hopefully, the methods above can help keep your laptop from running all the time. If the fixes above were not effective, try contacting your laptop’s customer support or visit an authorized service center near you to have it fixed. 

Why Does My Laptop Fan Keep Running  4 Easy Fixes  2022   - 72